Are You Missing These 3 Critical Items in Your SHTF Pack? (This is Serious)


Hey…I felt obligated to pass this along.

Because I would never be able to live with myself if I kept this information from you…

There are 3 critical items that you’re most likely missing in your SHTF preparedness pack.

And let me be clear – I WOULD be caught dead without them.

So why should I let you in on these 3 secrets that are so critical to your survival – when it all goes down – if it’s every man for himself?

Because right now – we’re standing together.

But let me tell you when we fall divided, and you find that you’re at a severe disadvantage…to be blunt – you’re on your own, pal…

When the day comes – and you know it’s coming – my only concern will be for myself and my family – just like you.

So if you choose to ignore this and walk away…my life won’t change a lick.

But if you do the right thing and grab your copy of this FREE report – yes…I’m not even going to charge you for it – then you’re life just got a little longer.

Your welcome.

It’s called The 75 Most Overlooked Items for Preppers

And yes this thorough report is as blunt as it’s title.

Because I know you don’t have time to sit there and try to sift through a gloom and doom package – you already know about that part…

So I laid out 75 things your life will depend on – when it does happen – in plain English so you can complete your prepper pack right away.

Let me just show you 3 of those 75 right here…right now.

(Again – you’re welcome.)


Did you miss these 3 critical items?

1.     Baby Powder – you might be out in the heat for untold periods of time…that means friction on your skin and possible rash development. Baby powder will soothe your skin and help heal rashes faster. Get some.

2.     Eye Drops – you’re going to need your vision to be as good as it can…to spot a covert looter or perhaps your next meal. Dust, allergies, and other irritants will be all around you – protect your eyes with the best drops you can find. Having poor vision could kill you.

3.     Bird Seed – What? Like you’re going to have time to bird watch…no. Keep the seed on hand to attract wild birds that are good eatin’ to stay alive.


You’ll find all this plus 72 other critical items you may have missed.

Best part is – you have nothing to lose.

The 75 Most Overlooked Items for Preppers is completely and absolutely 100% FREE with no obligation or commitment to do anything more.

No card number. No PayPal. Nothing now or ever is required by you to get this valuable report.

So what are you waiting for? This is your second and may be your last chance to get your hands on this stuff before it’s too late.

Isn’t your peace of mind in knowing you and your family are protected worth a click?

Get it now.

So what are you waiting for? This is your second and may be your last chance to get your hands on this stuff before it’s too late.

Isn’t your peace of mind in knowing you and your family are protected worth a click?

Get it now.



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