Wilderness Retreat: Preparing for the Unexpected

Anything can happen when you’re out in the wilderness. It’s important to be prepared for the unexpected when you’re miles, and possibly days, from help. But how do you prepare for the unexpected? It is, by definition, something you haven’t planned for. Here are some tips and unconventional tools you might be able to use when between a rock and a hard place while out in wild.

Preparing for the Unexpected


shutterstock_200438213Assembling the basic tools for your retreat is simple. But what about the unconventional or lesser-known items that can round out your survival gear? Polythene packets can be a life saver. The polythene packet you might consider should be sturdy and large; 5 liters by volume and at least 50 microns of thickness. However, if you can find a packet with a higher micron count that would be better. Polythene packets have a variety of different uses, such as collecting and storing water, shelter, melting snow, etc.

A survival knife is always a good idea, but what happens when you need something more heavy duty? For more intense tasks Wilderness-Survival-Gear.com carries an affordable crowbar-hatchet-hammer combination tool. This multi-tool can be useful when your survival knife just isn’t getting the job done. Perfect for anyone working on a cabin hidden away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Though getting back to the wild can be nice, it’s important to be able to get in touch with friends, family, and emergency relief in case something goes wrong. Satellite phones are a tool you should consider in case you need to contact that outside world. Unlike regular phones, satellite phones have global coverage. No matter where you are, you’ll be able to connect if needed.


Whether you’re building or doing upkeep on your cabin, or just heading out into the mountains to escape the city, you’ll need to pack food that is both light and nutritious. Luckily, TheSurvivalPlace.com has a vast variety of dehydrated foods. From Wise Freeze supplies for up to 12 months, to food bars that are packed with up to 3,600 calories, desert packets and single meal bags, whether you’re stockpiling for the future or just getting out into nature, there are a lot of different options out there for the savvy survivalist.

Survival Courses

While tools can be helpful and stockpiling food can keep you secure, without the know-how to survive in the wilderness you’ll have problems when hit with hard times. Here are some of the best survival skill courses in the United States.

  • Boulder Outdoor Survival School: Or BOSS, is credited as being the oldest survival school in the country. Established in 1968, BOSS was originally a college course but quickly morphed into its own entity. This course focuses on personal growth as well as adaptability. When preparing for the unexpected in the wilderness, being able to adapt and roll with the punches is important.
  • Tracker School: founded by Tom Brown, Jr, this school is based on the teachings of Apache elder, Stalking Wolf, who taught Tom Brown, Jr, first hand. The Tracker School now offers over 75 classes in eight different course tracks while focusing on tracking, wilderness survival and nature awareness.


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